Why choose UNIque?
Time to hear from previous participants - female researchers looking towards their next career step. Academic or otherwise
The early career research stage is tough. Interesting, intellectually challenging, pushing back frontiers of knowledge, working with talented people from around the world - all fantastic things. But have you ever ...
- Wondered what on earth the next career step is going to be?
- Wondered if you can have a university career?
- Felt surrounded by researchers who are brighter and more together than you?
- Felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of 'stuff' you are supposed to do as a researcher?
- Thought of leaving academia but have just spent so long getting to this point?
- Looked at those 'high ups' in your institution and wondered where the women are?
- Tried to explain to your parents that postdocs seldom get Nobel prizes? (just me then?)
The gender pay gap in UK Universities is 15.5%.Â
Only 25% of professors are female.Â
Big battles.
But as a researcher you are focused on your own battle: your career.Â
The only person who is going to prioritise your career is ... you.
So what if you could ...
- Step back to understand your career options in and out of the university sector
- Explore what is important to you so decisions are based on your valuesÂ
- Get clear no-nonsense advice to help you get that next position
- Learn tools to help you set goals and realise them
ANDÂ what if you could do this with a bunch of like minded women?
- So welcome to UNIque - the online programme for university women. Early career researchers just like you.
Through online materials and weekly webinars we will explore four modules all from the comfort of your desk, sofa or lab bench!
The format is simple. A hours workshopinar once a week or so - a chance to say hello, ask questions and watch on record if you miss it. Then some self guided video lessons and activities to explore the module's focus.
Example Curriculum
- Academic career paths (5:59)
- Women and universities (8:48)
- PhD to postdoc (11:04)
- Postdoc to postdoc (10:47)
- Postdoc to fellowship (10:56)
- Onto lecturer (8:15)
- Beyond lectureships (9:15)
- Teaching track positions (6:57)
- Moving into professional services (6:28)
- Moving out of the university (8:46)
- Mentoring (6:03)
- Over to you - do, think, learn
- Introduction (1:06)
- Hard work is not enough (6:18)
- Networking (12:25)
- Saying no (6:24)
- Negotiation (7:50)
- Meetings (5:59)
- What does the web say about you? (2:57)
- LinkedIn (7:28)
- General CV tips (5:39)
- Academic CVs (11:19)
- Non academic CVs (8:15)
- Your Interviews (9:45)
- Having it all (2:50)
- Over to you - do, think, learn
Katie, Molecular Microbiologist, Imperial College, London
You should take this course if you feel like you are drifting along and not making impactful career decisions because you will be given an array of tools that you can access for life, that help you to uncover your strengths and values and set achievable goals. Plus Emma is super friendly and knowledgeable, and will help motivate you along the way in the videos and webinars.
Tanja, Computer scientist, King's College, London
You should take this course if you need some outside perspective on your career and life because it will connect you with wonderful people you can exchange ideas, thoughts and advice with
Marie, Chemist, Imperial College, London
You should take this course if you're a Postdoc thinking about what you want the next steps in your career should and could be because the course will encourage you to find the thing you really want to do and will help you see how to get there.
Bianca, Cancer geneticist, Imperial College, London
I really understood what I need to do to have the best chances in succeeding in my future applications, how to plan to get those things done. I also understood a lot more about myself and how I can use my strengths to really sell myself.
Alice, Synthetic Biologist, Imperial College, London
You should take this course if you're a postdoc lost in translation wondering what to do next because you'll get a clear picture of the paths you can take as well as time to reflect on which path would better suit you.
Adriana, Chemist, Imperial College, London
You should take this course if you are feeling like you are drowning alone in the academia pool because with UNIque you will realize that the pool is not that deep and there is plenty of people ready to swim with you.... or you can get out of that pool
Dr Emma Williams
Hello! I'm Emma. I love coffee. I love science. And I love working with early career researchers to help them get the very best out of their careers. Poacher turned game keeper? I have certainly been there and worn the lab coat! I enjoy the challenge of working with sparky, bright people which is why I have worked in and around universities as a researcher, staff developer and consultant for over 25 years. At ease with both STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) researchers and those in professional services, I have worked with universities in the UK and overseas. I am a co-author of "What every postdoc needs to know" aimed at those experiencing the tricky early career research years.