Wanting to apply to that next academic position?

Are you staring at:

> a blank page with CV at the top?

> the CV you wrote several years ago?

all whilst procrastinating on which font to use?

Everyone has been there but that isn't going to get you that dreamy academic position.

Time to grab some tips and tricks built on my 20+ years of looking at too many dreadful academic CVs!

As an author of "What every postdoc needs to know", a Nature Careers panel member and a regular contributor to The Times Higher Campus I worked with early stage researchers around the globe. It's time to learn from the hundreds of CVs I've seen.

a checklist being ticked in green pen

Get it all ticked off and ready to apply

Our tips and tricks are presented in writing order.

What to do first (get some help and feedback) all the way through to making your CV culturally fit.

Our handy checklist will keep you on track!

Let's get this CV started